Kingdom Talk!
"Kingdom Talk!" is about all things Kingdom. Every episode your host, Mark Banyard, will be talking to his guests about their experiences and insights in over the years in advancing the Kingdom of God through their ministries.*Music by Tim Moor from Pixabay.
Kingdom Talk!
Kingdom Talk! with guest Graham Fletcher
In this first season, host Mark Banyard will be talking with his guests about advancing the Kingdom of God through church planting. On today’s show, Mark interviews Graham Fletcher. Graham and his wife Patti have been in pastoral ministry for 47 years. They have led and planted churches in three states of Australia, and in British Columbia, Canada. The Fletchers currently oversee a church in Vancouver which they planted in 2001. From this base Graham itinerates extensively to encourage churches and Christian movements in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Australia and New Zealand.
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KingdomTalk! podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Overcast.